By : Rich Bowen, Ken Coar, et al.
I’ve been fascinated with the Internet since before there was an Internet.
My first encounter with the Internet was in a computer lab at Florida State University when I was in high school in Tallahassee. I was using talk to chat with someone who I assumed was elsewhere in that lab or at least somewhere else on campus. When he told me that he was in Houston, Texas, I was utterly amazed. How could my keystrokes be sent all the way to Texas for us to be conducting this conversation? Clearly this was magic.
That was 1983, and the network we were using was called Plato. It was one of the many parts that eventually became the Internet. I didn’t know anything about networking until years later. My fascination has always been with the capability of technology to allow people to communicate, regardless of geographic boundaries.
Although it’s a lot of fun to reminisce with fellow geeks about the old days of using Archie to try to find the stuff you wanted, and the days when the Great Internet Search was actually a challenge, the good old days really left a lot to be desired. The arrival of the World Wide Web was, at least for me, a renewal of that feeling that I got in that computer lab at FSU.
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